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what to expect

We want your experience to be positive and exciting. Our team is here to walk with you through each phase of your wellness journey.

first visit



This is a one-on-one with Dr. Jessica to review your health history and to gain a clear understanding of your health goals.




A spinal assessment is done to determine your level of spinal function, creating your baseline measurements. These examinations are done every 12 visits to evaluate your progress.




X-rays are a great tool to use to get a visional assessment of your spine allowing us to determine the severity and complexity of the subluxation complex that is causing your problems. To see is to know; not to see is to guess. We don’t want to guess about your health.


Expect to spend about 30-45 minutes in our office for this visit. Below is a link to our intake forms. Completing these prior to your arrival will save you time. Simply print out the form that is for you and fill them out to your best ability. Make sure to read and sign the terms of acceptance at the end of your form.

second visit

Report of Findings


During this visit, Dr. Jessica will discuss with you what she has discovered about your health based on the consultation, exam, and x-rays. Using that information, she will provide you with a tailored care plan to regain and keep your health. We find that it is much easier to bring your spouse/significant other with you so that they can hear exactly what Dr. Jessica reports concerning your health.  In addition, it's best when your spouse/significant other can ask questions as they desire.


Plan to spend about 30 minutes in our office during this visit. Your first adjustment will be given at the end of this visit if you desire to start care.

on-going adjustments

During these visits, you will be checked for vertebral subluxation and an adjustment will be rendered in areas subluxations are found.  It’s as easy as that!  Expect to spend 5-7 minutes in our office for these visits.  


We fully embrace that you do NOT live to get adjusted but rather get adjusted to FULLY live!

patient forms

To ensure we have all info necessary for your first appointment, please print and complete all required forms.

get started

Let's schedule your one-on-one consultation to discuss your health.

785 W. Randall St  Coopersville, MI 49404


© 2019 Ireland Chiropractic Clinic

Monday/ Tuesday: 9am to 6pm

Wednesday: 9am to 5:30pm

Thursday: 3pm-7pm

Friday-Sunday: Closed



Contact                    Adjusting Hours:

Events                                M-T: 9am to 11am

                                                   3pm to 6p

                                           Wed: 9a to 12p


                                           Thurs: 3pm to 7p



**Non Adjusting times are appointment based.  Please call for an appointment to be seen at those times for an adjustment or new patient.

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